
  • Fulrath award, The American Ceramic Society



 大学院半導体・情報数理専攻、半導体システム教育プログラムの募集が始まりました。博士前期(修士)課程の定員は120名、博士後期(博士)課程の定員は22名です。試験は9月、願書提出のは8月です。詳しくは大学院のホームページ(こちらをクリック)をご覧ください。ご入学に興味がありましたら遠慮なく電子メール(sato-yukio @ kumamoto-u.ac.jp)、または、電話(096-342-2281)でお問い合わせ下さい。

 研究に関するお問い合わせ、大学院(半導体・情報数理専攻)への入学・進学に関するお問い合わせ、大学(工学部半導体デバイス工学課程)への入学に関するお問い合わせは、フォーム、電子メール(sato-yukio @ kumamoto-u.ac.jp)、または、電話(096-342-2281)でお寄せください。

佐藤 幸生 (熊本大学 半導体・デジタル研究教育機構 教授)


Invited talk at ICC’10
1st intra-area meeting on Colossal Interface Response: CIR, in FY 2024
Invited talk in Okazaki-Fulrath memorial lecture
Our co-author paper has been published.
Our paper has been published.
Our paper has been accepted
News Letter “Kakehashi”
Our student’s paper has been accepted.
Graduations of Mr. Kudoh and Mr. Noguchi
Invited talk at 2024 CerSJ Annual Meeting
Talk in “Colossal Interface Response: CIR” project meeting
Invited talk at ICFM-2024
Talk at 18th Symposium on Ferroic order and its Manipulation
Kumamoto University Campus Magazine, Vol. 91
Talk at Engineering Workshop 2023
Our article was published
38th forum on analytical electron microscopy
Presentation at 17th symposium on Interdisciplinary Research Meeting in Materials Science
Talk at YUMENAVI (Oct. 22nd)
Talk at YUMENAVI (Oct. 21st)
We have launched an English version of our homepage.
Lecture at “Ceramics Education PROgrams for beginners”
Invited talk at MS&T 23
Presentation at MS&T2023
2023 Richard M. Fulrath Award
Invited talk at 17th Summer School on Ferroic order and its Manipulation
Poster presentation at 17th Summer School on Ferroic order and its Manipulation
Presentation at IMC2023
Presentation at CerSJ Fall symposium
38th forum on analytical electron microscopy
Invited talk at THERMEC 2023
Invited talk at Microscopy Society Annual Meeting
Invited talk at Slovenia-Japan workshop
Invited talk at Kyushu Univ.
Presentation at FMA40
“Topics” in CERAMICS
A new research project has started.
Another new research project has started.
Functional nanostructure laboratory has established.
Our paper was published
Book Chapter
Our paper was published
Press release
Our paper was published